Why Netsmartz DC

Ideal Location

Geographical and Climatic Conditions:

No risk of natural disasters such as floods.


- Proximity to major internet exchange points.

- Availability of robust telecommunications infrastructure to ensure high-speed connectivity and redundancy.

Power Supply

- Access to reliable and redundant power sources.

Regulatory Compliance

- We have complete understanding of local zoning laws and building regulations specific to Chandigarh and the state of Punjab. This includes adherence to environmental regulations and obtaining necessary permits.

Best Construction Standards

Design and Building Standards

- International recognized standards such as the Uptime Institute's tier classification.

- LEED certification for green building, and TIA-942 for telecommunications infrastructure.

- Implement energy-efficient designs, especially in the cooling systems, considering the local climate.

Safety and Security

- Advanced security measures and monitoring systems to protect against physical threats as.

Physical Security Aspects

- Follow ISO/IEC 27001 physical security aspects.

Environmental Impact

- As part of the compliance with local and national environmental regulations Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) would be conducted.


Design Flexibility

Design the data center shell with modular spaces that can easily adapt to the specific needs including cloud providers, enterprises, or hyperscalers.

Infrastructure Provisioning

Provide robust power and cooling infrastructure with the capability to support high-density racks, allowing tenants to design their fit-out according to their power and cooling requirements.

Compliance and Regulations

Ensuring guidelines for tenant fit-outs are clear, flexible, and comply with national and international standards, facilitating tenants in achieving their operational certifications without hindrance.


Contact us for inquiries and collaboration opportunities to discuss how our solutions can meet your needs and contribute to your success.

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